Quick Links
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DNS Tools
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- AdGuard DNS
- ShoDan - Internet intelligence
- WebCheck - WebSite Analyzer
- CIDR CheetSheet
- Tcp/ip Ports - IANA
- ARUL’s Network Lookup Utilities
- IP Address Lookup
- MAC Address Lookup
- NsLookup.io
- DNSChecker.org
- Whatsmyip.org Network Tools
- MxToolBox SuperTool - DNS Analyzer
DNS Blocklists
- Hosts file for ad/spyware blocking
- FireBlog - The BIG Blocklist Collection
- Dns Blocklists
- oisd.nl - Another Blocklist
Misc Links
- Jim’s Garage - HomeLab YouTube Channel
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HomeLab Blogs
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- Awesome Self-Hosted
- Self-Host It
- Selfh.st
- TechnoTim
- SmartHome Beginner
- HomeLab Blog Feed
- Void Quark
- NerdyArticles
- Advanced Bash Scripting Guide
- bash-guide - Guide to learn bash.
- the-art-of-command-line - Master the command line, in one page.
- awesome-devenv - Delightful Bash scripts and resources.
- Awesome-dotfiles
- awesome-shell - Awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos.
- awesome-CodeFace - Terminal Fonts
- VIM Color Schemes
- dot files on Git
- dot files tutorial
- .bashrc Generator
- Oh-My-Bash
- aliases - Contextual, dynamic, organized aliases for the bash shell.
- bash-it - Community Bash commands and scripts.
- bash - GNU Project’s shell (Bourne Again SHell).
- bash-powerline - Powerline-style Bash prompt in pure Bash script.
- bash-sensible - Attempt at saner Bash defaults.
- bashtrap - Quick way to spruce up OSX terminal.
- hstr - Bash History Suggest Box.
- liquidprompt - Full-featured & carefully designed adaptive prompt for Bash & Zsh.
- zsh - Powerful shell with scripting language.
- Awesome-GitHub
- GitHub
- GitLab
- GitHub readme stats
- ReadMe Generator
- git-extra-commands - Useful extra commands for git
- GitHub CheatSheat
- bash-git-prompt - Informative and fancy Bash prompt for Git users.
- gittify - Colorful Bash prompt + customized Git aliases.
- oh-my-git - Opinionated git prompt for bash and zsh.
- sexy-bash-prompt - Bash prompt with colors, Git statuses, and Git branches.
- awesome-self-hosted
- awesome-status-pages
- awesom-home-assistant
- theHomeLabWiki
- Self-Hosting-Guide
- Self-hosted Cookbook
- HomeLabOS
- NGINX Proxy
- KiwiLabs - Ansible HomeLab Roles
- WireGuard
- WeeWx - open source weather station.
- Wetty - tty over http.
- Proxmox
- Home Assistant
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- MailU - Self Hosted Mail Server.
- Homer
- Network Stack
- Glances
- Composerize
- LinuxServer.io
- DockerHub
- Portainer Images
- Docker Cheetsheet 1
- Docker Cheetsheet 2 - Ultimate Docker Cheetsheet.
- DockProm - Docker Container Monitoring.
- Docker Monitoring - Container monitoring-grafana,prom etc.
- KASM Apps - DockerHub
Docker Swarm
- RaspberryPi Docker Monitor
- PiCockPit
- Docker on Arm
- Docker on Arm 2
- Docker on RasPi
- Headless RasPi
- RasPi Docker Enviroment - RasPi, Docker and Portainer.
- Grafana & Prometheus on RasPi
- awesome-security
- awesome-monitoring
- awesome-sysadmin - Awesome open source sysadmin resources.
- another awesome sysadmin - awesome-foss
- awesome-SNMP
- LibreNMS Docs
- IpV6 Reference
- IPCisco.com - Great Cisco Reference Site
- AnyCast DNS
- Router/Switch Hardware Guide
- TCP and UDP Ports
- CIDR Chart
- Another CIDR Chart
- Subnet Calculator
- Default Network Timers
- Cisco Bug Search Tool
- Cisco IOS Master Command Reference
- Switchport and Interface Troubleshooting
- Ciso Campus Design Guide
- Firewall.cx
- PacketLife.net IP Cheatsheets
- TheNetworkStack
- Network Engineering @StackExange
- Router Jockey
- CiscoZine
- Cisco Is Easy
- Cisco Show Interface Reference
- Ring Of Saturn
- CCNA Routing and Switching Workbook
Cisco Hardware
- awesome-web-design
- awesome-Colorful
- awesome-CSS
- awesome-CSS-Learning
- awesome-fonts
- dashboard-icons
- icon-buddy
- w3schools - Learn Web Code
- ColorsAndFonts
- design resources for developers
- Jekyll
- Jekyll Style Guide
- Mozilla Web Resources
- awesome-self-hosted
- awesome-shell - Awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos.
- awesome-devenv - Delightful Bash scripts and resources.
- awesome podcasts
- Awesome-ChatGPT
- awesome-mac - Awesome list of MacOs resources.
- awesome-status-pages
- awesome-sysadmin - Awesome open source sysadmin resources.
- another awesome sysadmin - awesome-foss
- awesome-zsh-plugins - Collection of ZSH frameworks, plugins & themes.
- awesome ansible
- awesome-web-design
- awesome-ReadMe - ReadMe
- awesome-Colorful
- awesome-SNMP
- awesome-security
- awesome-CSS
- awesome-CSS-Learning
- awesome-fonts
- awesome-CodeFace - Terminal Fonts
- awesome-Docker
- awesome-CloudFlare
- awesom-home-assistant
- awesome-RasPi
- awesome-monitoring
- awesome-moniotring-2